However, I didn’t start writing seriously (and with the hopes of being published) until I was in high school. Of course, being a melodramatic teenager, I began by writing dark poetry, some of which became published in the school’s literary magazine.
I was twenty-six years old when I decided that I wanted to be a romance author. But somewhere around 44,000 words into my first novel, I realized I had no idea what I was doing. So, after much internet research, I signed up for an aspiring authors course at a Romantic Times conference.
Going to that conference was the best thing I ever did.
First, I never would have thought I could learn so much from one three-day Aspiring Author class. My fabulous teacher, Author Judi McCoy, explained all the ins and outs of getting established in the romance industry. Honest and up front, she shared the good, the bad, the ugly, and everything in-between.
(If you are an aspiring author, I highly recommend her course.)
It was also at this Romantic Times conference that I met four other amazing, beautiful women who would change my life in profound ways.
Two of these women ended up becoming my critique partners and, more importantly, my close friends. Without Author Aleka Nakis and Teanette Major staying up long nights to read and correct my work, my manuscripts might never have been accepted. The other two wonderful ladies I met at the conference would later become the dazzle behind Resplendence Publishing— founders Leigh Collett and Jessica Berry.
So let me take a moment to say… Aleka, Judi, Tea, Leigh and Jess… thank you for everything. Your insight, wisdom, patience, encouragement, and friendship have been invaluable.
Of course, I have to thank my family as well. They fueled my love of reading and writing.
Mom, you are the reason I love romance novels. I will always appreciate the time, and money, you spent supporting my “romance novel” addiction for all those years.
Dad, if you didn’t take the time to read to me when I was young, I might never have grown to love books the way I do now. Ever since high school, when it came to writing, you’ve always been my biggest fan.
And Aunt Celeste, you have always been a flowing spring of positive encouragement and love.
I love you all so much.
Also, I want to thank my husband, Warren. He was the one who taught me the true meaning of love, who supported my dream, and stuck it out with me (and our marriage) even though I ignored him for days and nights on end while I worked to complete my books.
Warren, you’re a wonderful husband. I couldn’t imagine my life without you.
Last, but not least, I want to thank the readers out there. As a writer by nature, I will always write, but it is because of you that I became an author.
Tia Margaret Fanning
“Fanning the Flames of Romance”