Kink and Fetish: Is there a difference?
Domestic Discipline: He Wants to Spank Me. Should I Let Him?
How to Share Your Fantasies with Your Partner (Without Pissing Them Off!)
Now Available on Audible!
New Social Network for Me! =)
Deer Creek: Lockdown
Christmas is Coming... Have You Been Naughty?
Red Ribbons and Blue Balls is a short Holiday Spanking Story about a sweet good girl gone BRAT and her poor unsuspecting HoH Husband. Check out the quick excerpt below...
I tugged off the beautiful ribbon, loving the feel of it on my fingers and pulled off the top of the box. I spread opened the tissue paper.
“Oh, wow.”
“Do you like it?” he asked.
“I love it.”
I reached into the box and pulled out the large handmade paddle hairbrush, letting my fingers grazed over the tufts of pale-tipped boar bristles. As far as hairbrushes went, this was one of the most expensive on the market.
“Thank you, Husband. But I have been very naughty tonight. Why didn’t you wait until Christma...”
The moment the question left my mouth, I knew. He gently pulled the brush out of my hand.
“I would have waited until Christmas, but I fear your behavior, notably your language, is getting worse by the hour.”
I exhaled heavily. “I know.”
“Are you ready?”
“To be paddled with a paddle hairbrush? Are you seriously asking me this?”
Get in the Holiday Spirit with this fun, sexy story!
Red Ribbons and Blue Balls by Tia Fanning from Resplendence Publishing, LLC. Available now from
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It's a Holiday Spanking Story! Everyone loves spanking stories, right? (lol) |
After Winter's dominant husband, Nicolas, punishes her for being naughty, the-usually-nice-but-now-sexually-frustrated Winter arrives at their secluded mountain cabin bearing gifts-special gifts that will ensure his submission and her revenge. With only seven days left until Christmas, Nicolas expects to spend the night decorating the house for the approaching holiday, but Winter has other plans. Christmas might be coming, but if Winter gets her way, Nicolas won't be.
I hope you will check out this fun read. If you like Spanking stories, I think this one will make you blush - in a good way. (lol)
Mary Lou Needs a Drink: The Start of a Love Story
“Dude, really. Even if I believed you, I couldn’t afford you.”
Cocky amusement flickered over his face. His blue, almost-gray, eyes sparked. “Wow. I love your candor.”
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New Release! |
Click here to get your copy of "HOTTIE" by Demi Alex & Tia Fanning at
#love #romance #hottiemechanic #deercreek #demialex #tiafanning #wanttoreadmore
♥ Be My Hottie ♥
A New Release

A week later, Jessa is still trying to come to terms with the spanking and the conflicting feelings the punishment invoked. Embarrassed by her response to his loving discipline, she has avoided her boss as much as possible. Then the apprentices beg her to test drive Stern Stieran’s latest invention—his precious prototype, AllSPANC.
By the end of the journey, Jessa (the no-longer-perfect assistant) discovers that some mistakes are worth making, and that some lessons are worth learning the hard way.
Available Now from Stiff Rain Press
Looking Back On My First Book and Who I Have to Thank...
* * * *
In a remote forest settlement, a place almost untouched by the modern world, a baby girl is born with a powerful healing gift. But like all wondrous gifts, this one too comes at a high price.
Because of her special ability, Katia has to follow the twelve Rules of Darkness, rules she must abide by at all times, or else risk losing her soul forever. But when Katia accidentally breaks a rule, horrific repercussions ensue and an old love mysteriously appears at her door.
Katia will soon discover that things buried in the past can come back to haunt the present, that a promise made is a promise kept, and that no matter the circumstances, there are some rules that should never be broken.
“Rules of Darkness is a marvelous novel bursting with supernatural thrills that had me turning the pages... It's a story I would enjoy revisiting. I'm hoping that the author will write a sequel, and there are no rules to say I can't keep my fingers crossed.”
--Patrice F, a Reviewer Recommended Read, Joyfully Reviewed
“Tia Fanning has written an exceptional novella. The relationship between Katia and Stoyan is realistically developed, and the rest of the characters bring much to the table. Fanning has fully developed Rules of Darkness, and the storyline is absolutely perfect. You’ll be laughing, and crying, but in the end, you’ll find yourself loving the story, and extremely happy with how things turned out. Rules of Darkness is a fantastic story, and Tia Fanning is an amazing author.”
--Denise Kivett, a Reviewer *Must-Read* Award, Rogues and Romance
I just absolutely adored this story from the very first page. It had me sitting on the edge of my seat the entire time I was reading it. Ms. Fanning wrote with such detail and emotion that I was feeling everything that Katia was going through. Ms. Fanning did a superb job with the development of her characters and how she told the story... I highly recommend this story to everyone. You will not be disappointed!
--Diana Coyle, 5/5 and a Reviewer Top Pick, Night Owl Romance
The tug of self-preservation insisting I eat the damn soup...

For me, that means it's the book an author has to write even if no one wants to publish it. It's the book that an author drops everything for, including their current projects, to complete because they are feeling the story that strongly. It's the story with characters and a plot that is so much a part of the author that if they didn't put it on paper, the story would haunt them and they would never be able to move on to write something else.
In the end, it's the book that an author loves best of all their work.
Taken With the Enemy is the book of my heart.
Inspired by a dream I had, Taken With the Enemy is a contemporary spin of those old historical novels where the heroine ends up falling in love with her captor. I had locked myself in my basement to write this book, completing it in about one month, during the holidays, knowing full well that the story might never see a printing press due to its "politically incorrect" nature.
I mean, this is the 21st century; you do not fall for your kidnapper.
But is it possible that true love could form under such circumstances? Could a solid, secure, healthy relationship develop around abduction? Especially in a modern world where psychological conditions like Stockholm syndrome exist—a term often used to describe any attachment a person might feel for their abductor?
I like to believe it’s possible, at least for the characters in my story. (LOL!)
I’m a hopeless romantic. I’m an avid believer in the concepts of love at first sight, of love conquering all, and that if two people are meant to be together, true love will bloom regardless of the circumstances.
I am a romance author.
Yanking the covers away, he grasped my arm and pulled me off the mattress. I was so shocked, I didn’t object when he dragged my ass into the dining room. He shoved me down into the chair at the head of the table.
“You will eat. Now,” he growled.
Staring at the steaming bowl of chicken noodle soup and the glass of fruit juice before me, I instinctively touched the spoon resting on the napkin, but drew my hand back. The thought of putting something in my mouth made me feel queasy. I really just wanted to go back to sleep. I was exhausted.
At the other end of the table, he angrily slid the heavy wooden chair out, marring the air with the shriek of scratching marble. I flinched, hating the sound that echoed through the room.
He sat and stared me down. “I said eat.”
“I’m not hungry,” I mumbled.
The gratification was short-lived.
~Excerpt from Taken With the Enemy by Tia Fanning
* * * * *
“I am a fan of Tia Fanning and her work. She pens wonderfully entertaining stories that don’t disappoint her readers. This story was extremely engrossing and had me wondering the entire time what was going to happen to Brenna. I will definitely add this one to my library...”
--Diana Coyle, 5/5 and a Reviewer Top Pick, Night Owl Romance
A New Year and A Letter of Thanks...

However, I didn’t start writing seriously (and with the hopes of being published) until I was in high school. Of course, being a melodramatic teenager, I began by writing dark poetry, some of which became published in the school’s literary magazine.
I was twenty-six years old when I decided that I wanted to be a romance author. But somewhere around 44,000 words into my first novel, I realized I had no idea what I was doing. So, after much internet research, I signed up for an aspiring authors course at a Romantic Times conference.
Going to that conference was the best thing I ever did.
First, I never would have thought I could learn so much from one three-day Aspiring Author class. My fabulous teacher, Author Judi McCoy, explained all the ins and outs of getting established in the romance industry. Honest and up front, she shared the good, the bad, the ugly, and everything in-between.
(If you are an aspiring author, I highly recommend her course.)
It was also at this Romantic Times conference that I met four other amazing, beautiful women who would change my life in profound ways.
Two of these women ended up becoming my critique partners and, more importantly, my close friends. Without Author Aleka Nakis and Teanette Major staying up long nights to read and correct my work, my manuscripts might never have been accepted. The other two wonderful ladies I met at the conference would later become the dazzle behind Resplendence Publishing— founders Leigh Collett and Jessica Berry.
So let me take a moment to say… Aleka, Judi, Tea, Leigh and Jess… thank you for everything. Your insight, wisdom, patience, encouragement, and friendship have been invaluable.
Of course, I have to thank my family as well. They fueled my love of reading and writing.
Mom, you are the reason I love romance novels. I will always appreciate the time, and money, you spent supporting my “romance novel” addiction for all those years.
Dad, if you didn’t take the time to read to me when I was young, I might never have grown to love books the way I do now. Ever since high school, when it came to writing, you’ve always been my biggest fan.
And Aunt Celeste, you have always been a flowing spring of positive encouragement and love.
I love you all so much.
Also, I want to thank my husband, Warren. He was the one who taught me the true meaning of love, who supported my dream, and stuck it out with me (and our marriage) even though I ignored him for days and nights on end while I worked to complete my books.
Warren, you’re a wonderful husband. I couldn’t imagine my life without you.
Last, but not least, I want to thank the readers out there. As a writer by nature, I will always write, but it is because of you that I became an author.
Tia Margaret Fanning
“Fanning the Flames of Romance”